Looking At the Planet: Selected Environmental
Papers, Talks and Testimony 1978 – 2007
About … 1
Dedication 2
I. The Preservation of the World 23
- The preservation of the world 24
- Why Wilderness (1978) 30
- In Praise of Predators (1979) 31
- Who Administers Federally-owned Land? (1980) 33
- Elections, Environment and the
- Sagebrush Ripoff (1980) 35
- Forest Planning in Arizona (1980) 37
- Herbicides, Overgrazing and the Coronado (1983) 40
- No Road to Progress (1985) 42
- On the Draft Animal Damage Control Plan for the BLM Safford District (1989) 44
- On the Draft Animal Damage Control Plan for the Coronado National Forest (1990) 46
- Questions Concerning the Proposed
- Contract Between Cochise County and Animal Damage Control (1989) 48
II. A Little Bit Here a Little Bit There Poisons the World 49
- A Little Bit Here a Little Bit There Poisons the World 50
- People…Not Poisons (1978) 53
- News from the Phenoxy Front (1978) 56
- Statement on Rangeland Policies (1979) 60
- Herbicides on Rangelands (1979) 65
- A Four-Point Primer on Pollution Prevention (980) 68
- Dioxin in the Milk (1989) 70
- Hazardous Materials in Arizona: Some Contexts for Change (1989) 72
- Hazardous Materials in the Maquila Industry (1989) 77
- Before the Joint Legislative Study Committee on Hazardous Materials (1989) 81
- An Environmental Agenda for the 1990 Arizona Legislature: An Outline (1989) 87
- How Not to Foul Our Own Nest in a Throw-Away Society: Some Suggestions for Legislative and Regulatory Reform (1990) 91
- Pollution Prevention in Occupational and Environmental Contexts (1993) 98
- The Need for a Pollution Prevention Approach: NGO Working Group Statement on Toxics (1994) 108
- Cochise County-Northeast Sonora Planning Project (1995) 114
- Proyecto de Planeación para la Región Noreste de Sonora/Condado de Cochise (1995) 120
- Introductory Remarks to the Workshop: Integrated Hazardous Materials Tracking for Land Use Planning and Pollution Prevention (1996) 125
- Hazardous Materials Orientation Training Module (1997) 127
III. On a Clear Day 150
- On a Clear Day 151
- What’s in the Smoke? A Breather’s Guides to Douglas Smelter Pollution (1982) 155
- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Clean Air (1985) 172
- On the EPA’s Proposed Denial of an NSO to the PD Reduction Works, Douglas, Arizona (1986) 179
- Is the State Ready to Give up Health-based Air Quality Standards? (1991) 184
- Air Toxics, Maximum Achievable Control Technology and Residual Risk: an
- Opportunity for Clean Air Reform in Arizona Or, On a Clear Day You Can See Which Way the Wind Blows (1991) 187
- Groups Denounce Weak Air Quality Bill, Call on Legislature to Protect Human Health and the Environment (1992) 198
On Proposed Arizona Air Permit Rules (4 July 1993) 207 - On Proposed Modifications to Bowie Power Plant Special Use Permit (2007) 214
IV. Drops in the Bucket 216
- Drops in the Bucket 217
- Groundwater Contamination (1980) 220
- Of Development, Disruption and Dispossession (1984) 222
- On the Master Development Plan for the Proposed “Summit” Project near the City of Sierra Vista (1984) 225
- The San Pedro: A River Doomed to Go Dry? (1984) 228
- On Establishing a San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (1986) 231
- On Arizona Draft Surface Water Quality Standards (October 1990) 234
- On the Proposed NPDES Permit for Ina Rd. Wastewater Treatment Plant (1991) 239
- Zero Discharge, Anti-Degradation and Source Reduction: Replacing the Failed Assimilative Capacity Model with Effective Surface Water Quality Standards for the 21st Century and Beyond (1992) 242
- Zero Discharge, Non-Degradation and Anti-Backsliding: The Essentials of Water Quality Regulation (1994) 247
- On the Nogales, Sonora Water Supply and Distribution, Treatment and Recharge Project (1996) 253
- V. Rights and Wrongs 258
- Rights and Wrongs 259
- Law West of the Pecos (1979) 265
- Toxic Substances and Deregulation (1981) 266
- Pollution and Human Rights (1983) 269
Civil Rights and Environmental Protection (1989) 271 - “Wise-use” Movement Triumphs with Arizona “Takings” Legislation (1992) 277
- Between Kafka’s Trial and Orwell’s 1984 (2004) 279
VI. A Rock and a Hard Place 283
- A Rock and a Hard Place 284
- On Aquifer Protection Permitting of Phelps-Dodge Copper Queen Branch (1987) 287
- On Permitting of the Phelps Dodge Copper Queen Branch (1990) 289
- Before the Subcommittee on Mineral Resources Development and Production, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate (1990) 291
- On Aquifer Protection Permitting of the Phelps-Dodge Copper Queen Branch Tailings Storage Area (1992) 297
- Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining: Notes for a Workshop (1998) 303
VII. For What It’s Worth 324
- For What It’s Worth 325
- Some Semantics on Growth and Development (1979) 330
- Structuring Environmental Protection into a U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (1991) 332
- Sustainable Development vs. Economic Growth: Environmental Protection as an Investment in the Future (1991) 341
- On the Proposed U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (1991) 345
- Transparency, Local Control and Binational Cooperation: Adding Conditions of Sustainability to The Proposed North American Free Trade Agreement (1991) 349
- Free Trade and Environment: A Border Perspective 355
- Environment, Sustainable Development, Public Participation and the NAFTA: A Retrospective (1992) 364
- The Sustainability Movement: Making It Happen (1993) 427
- Recommendations Regarding NAFTA Draft Text on the Environment (1993) 431
- Recommendations for including Sustainable Development in BECC Project Certification Criteria (1995) 438
- On the Draft Guidelines for BECC Project Submission and Criteria for Project Certification (1995) 442
- On the Draft BECC Certification Criteria and Guidelines (1996) 461
- Earth, Inc.: A Failure of Vision (1997) 464
VIII. Pesticidia 468
- Pesticidia 469
- Pesticides in Mexico (1978) 474
- Arizona Farmworkers Resolution on Pesticide Safety (1979) 476
- What’s in the Milk? (1979 478
- The Medfly, the Government, and Individual Rights (1985) 480
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Forest Service Policy, 1979-1985 (1986) 482
- On the APHIS Rangeland Grasshopper Cooperative Management Program Draft Environmental Impact Statement as Supplemented 1986 (1986) 501
- Before the Arizona Joint Legislative Pesticide Oversight Committee (1987) 506
- Toxic Farming (1989) 512
Pesticide Reform in Arizona: Moving Beyond Risk Assessment and Clean-up to Exposure Prevention (1991) 515 - Recommendations for Incorporating Integrated Pest Management and Right-to-Know Provisions in the Structural Pest Control Commission Rules (1991) 523
- On the USDA-APHIS Medfly Cooperative Eradication Program Draft Environmental Impact Statement (1993) 526
- Medfly Eradication and Public Health: a Fruitless Effort? (1994 542
- Pesticide-Use Reduction: The Core Element in IPM (1993) 557
- Pesticide Regulation and Use: The Public Perspective (1994) 560
- Compromising Disease and Pollution Prevention: The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (1997) 567
- Bisbee Vegetation Management Committee Majority Report (2000) 571
IX. At Whose Expense? 598
- At Whose Expense? 599
- Getting Serious about Pollution Prevention: Risk Assessment vs. Public, Occupational and Environmental Health (1990) 602
- Plugging the Leak: Emergency Response to Global Crisis (1991) 612
- On the Proposed Rule on Risk Management Programs for Chemical Accidental Release Prevention (1994) 625
- Prevention, Not Risk Assessment 629
- Some Unacceptable Risks of Risk Assessment (1995) 631
- Risk Assessment and Risk-Based Policy: A Grassroots Perspective from the Ground Zero Perspective (1997) 637
X. Waste Not 647
- Waste Not 648
- Hazardous Waste Transport (1980) 653
Dealing with Hazardous Wastes (1980) 654 - Recycling Solid Waste (1980) 657
Toxic Wastes and Taxpayer Expense (1980) 659 - Comments on Hazardous Materials before the Arizona Joint Legislative Study Committee (1989) 661
- The Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility: Public Concerns (1990) 669
- On the Governor’s Hazardous Waste Technical Advisory Committee Report (1990) 674
- On the Draft Permits for the Proposed Arizona Hazardous Waste Management Facility (1990) 678
- Costs and Credibility: A Citizens View of the Superfund Program (1992) 687
Health Effects of Hazardous Waste: An Environmentalist Perspective (1993) 693 - On the Proposed H&K Municipal Waste Incinerator (1997) 702
- On the Plasma Arc Incinerator Proposed for Whetstone, Arizona (2005) 703
XI. Who’s to Know? 705
- Who’s to Know? 706
- Uranium Testing Still Up in the Air after Phoenix Pow-Wow (1979) 713
- The Spirit of NEPA 20 Years Later: Needs and Opportunities (1989) 715
- Planning for Prevention: Once We Know, Then What? (1991) 726
Border Right to Know Project, Selections (1994) 731 - Proyecto Fronterizo de Derecho a Saber, Selecioness (1994) 746
- Usefulness of Instituting a National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (1994) 760
- Criteria for Selecting Chemical Species for Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (1994) 765
- Public Access to Environmental Information in Mexico and the United States: Issues and Policy Options: Draft for Discussion (1994) 770
- Public Interest Science and the Myth of Objectivity (1995) 829
- On BECC Confidentiality Procedures and Regulation (1995) 838
- On Interim BECC Procedures and Regulations Regarding Public Notice and Comment Procedures (1995) 841
- NGO Statement on Procedures for Public Notice and Confidentiality (1995) 844
- On the BECC 20 December 1995 Revised Procedures for Disclosure and Confidentiality (1996) 846
- Environmental Information Needs on the US-Mexico Border (1996) 852
- Necesidades para la Información Ambiental en la Frontera México-Estados Unidos (1996) 857
- Public Access to Environmental Information on the US-Mexico Border (1996) 862
- Acceso Público a la Información sobre Medio Ambiente en la Frontera MéxicoEstadounidense (1996) 871
- Tijuana River Watershed Toxics Data Project Final Report, Selections (1996) 881
- Proyecto de Datos sobre Tóxicos para la Cuenca del Río Tijuana: Reporte Final, Seleciones (1996) 888
- Community Access to Environmental Information in the U.S.-Border Region (1997) 895
- Lista de Referencia de Tóxicos en la Frontera México-EU. Edición Homepage (1997) 909
- A List of Lists for the US-Mexico Border Region: New Software for Integrating Public Right to Know with Local Land-Use and Emergency Planning (1997) 912
- Right to Know in Ideal and Practical Contexts (1999) 919